Saturday, March 15, 2014

Four-Leaf Factors: A Quick Review Math-tivity

I must admit that I spent WAY too much money at the dollar store today. With St. Patrick's Day and Spring coming, there are a multitude of inexpensive products available to help kiddos better understand math concepts. Luckily, the dollar store had a wide variety of shamrocks available in packs of 12 and 24. I think the clovers are a great way to do a quick factor review in mathematics.
Four-leaf factors in interactive math journal
The clovers are really easy to make. First, you need at least   1-3 clovers. It really depends on how many numbers you choose. You also need seven circular labels that are 3/4" in diameter. Press six circular labels on the ends of the petals and one label in the middle.

Using a marker or gel pen, write a number with a factor of 4 in the middle of each clover. Next, write the factor pairs of the number on the remaining blank labels. Time from start to finish is less than 10 minutes depending on how many numbers you choose.

Finally, attach the clovers to an interactive math journal or notebook with tape. Include a definition of factors. Cost for complete Four-Leaf Factors for a class of 24: $2-3!!!

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